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Until's Random Progress Report 2014

Hey everyone!

Did you miss me? I missed you too. Well, I just wanted to check in and say hello to you and let you know about the updated status of me. I've been doing well. God has been blessing me back to back and although in the mist of my blessings, I've also been encountering trials, however, I choose to focus on the good.

So, what's new? As some of you already know, my book; I Just Want to Write! I'm so excited because it's been doing well. However, I postponed advertising it because I"ve had to really return back my focus on the Children's Zone of the Los Angeles Black Book Expo in which I am the Youth Director for because that has become a stressful situation. We've changed venue's twice, working on getting our third, but due to no fault of our own of course. So, deposits had to be returned, and schedule rearranging became more important because not only has the venues changed a couple of times, so have the dates. Now, I'm glad to say that the date is October 25th of 2014 and I will update you when we have a venue and a renew of my Children's Zone Schedule. Woo hoo!!! Glad that's in order.

What 's next is that I've been working on a new project simultaneously in concurrent with these others, though I'm keeping it quiet at this moment because I'm almost done and I will be announcing it real soon, hopefully next month. All I can tell you to do is look forward to seeing the name "Simple Treasures." I'm too excited to be writing this, right now. LOL!  Ok, last but not at all least, I have just got a new car. Yes... a NEW CAR!!!! This past Saturday my husband purchased for me a brand new Nissan Rogue. OMG!!! Can I just tell you that I love it? I mean, can I tell you that? Lol! It is beautiful. For years I've been wanting an SUV for many sentimental reasons and I finally have one, it is truly amazing.

As you can see, I have a couple of things that has made me happy. Hope all is well with you and I would love to hear about your goals, dreams and/or endeavors that you've currently achieved or working on, so share. Well, I gotta go, just wanted to pop in, say what's up. Oh yeah, if you would like to purchase my very first poetry edition, I Just Want to Write! Please visit my website at www. and if you would like to read a few excerpts from my book please visit the blog at, and check out the spoken-word version of my book  below.

You already know that I appreciate you reading my words, it warms my heart and you need to know that when you read my words, believe it or not you make my dreams come true because that's all I ever wanted.



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