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One of the most realest conversations:

Anyone who knows me, conversed with me or hung out with me, pretty much knows that when it comes to talking out an issue, discussing one's wants and/or needs, communicating on a serious problem that desperately and immediately needs to be fixed; knows that I like honest, direct, graceful, diplomatic and most of all, sincere conversation. I have never been one for hinting, beat around the bush talk, unclear or vague discussion or that sneaky, unexpected, hit below the belt 'cause I'm not woman enough or man enough to say what I want and need to say, indirect comment speak.

The only way you can ever get me to hash out anything, is if you come with the REAL. And when I say "REAL", I don't mean, LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS ATTITUDE, FINGER POPPIN', BULLY TONED, I BETTER DO WHAT YOU SAY TYPE OF TALK. I mean REAL, like you have some since. REAL. Meaning, I've come to speak to you candidly about my thoughts and feelings but I'm also open and willing to hear about my mistakes (the part you've played) that may have helped in how we got here, type of talk. Because lets face it; nobody ever likes to hear about their wrongs but they love to and usually will be the first person to point out another person's mishaps. You know exactly what I'm talking about. :)

So, when I hear or see a dialogue between two people that may not like each other but can recognize each other's talent, respect each other enough to share an interesting agree to disagree or agree dialect with each other without the requirements of SCREAMING, HOLLERING, SHOVING OR FIGHTING but more so an excitable debate, that's blunt, honest with understanding, openness to reveal the relevance and acceptance. I love it!!! I love it because I find it rich, stimulating, intriguing, enlightening and it gives me an array of hope. Hope that maybe one day we all can partake in communicating with each other such as this.

And the conversation that I am speaking in awe about is listed below:

Remember the Titans (Dialogue between Julius and Gerry)

Gerry - Alright man, listen. I'm Gerry, you're Julius, let's get some particulars and just get this over with alright?

Julius - Particulars?

Gerry - Yeah.

Julius - No matter what I tell you, you ain't gone never know nothing about me.

Gerry - A, man, listen. I ain't running anymore of these three a days, okay!

Julius - Yo, what I got to say you really don't want to hear 'cause honesty ain't too high upon yall peoples priority list right?

Gerry - Honesty. You want honesty? Alright, honestly; I think you're nothing. Nothing but a pure waste of God given talent. You don't listen to nobody man. Not even Doc or Boon. Shiver push on the line every time man-you blow right pass 'em. Push 'em, pull 'em, Do Something!!! You can't run over everybody in the this league an every time you do, you leave one of your teammates hanging out to dry. Me in particular.

Julius - Why should i give a hoot about you? Huh? Or anybody else out there? You want to talk about a waste, you the captain right?

Gerry - Right.

Julius - Captain supposed to be the leader right?

Gerry - Right.

Julius - You gotta' job?

Gerry - I have a job.

Julius - You been doing your job?

Gerry - I've been doing my job.

Julius - Then why don't you tell your white buddies to block for Rev. better 'cause they have not blocked for him worth a plug nickel and you know it! Nobody plays. Yourself included. I'm supposed to wear myself out for the team? What team? Naw, naw. What I'm gone do is, I'm gone look out for myself and I'm gone get mine.

Gerry - See man. That's the worst attitude I ever heard.

Julius - Attitude, reflects leadership; captain.

Now if you've ever seen this movie. Then you know that you can see in their conversation, read their faces, when each one had a valid point and when each one knew they didn't or hadn't done their job. In my eyes they both knew then, in their hearts after their conversation, they both had to check themselves, take responsibility for what they had or hadn't done. Furthermore, the most beautiful thing ever, most of all; was that they would never go back to being fake with each other because issues don't get solved that way and they knew how to talk to each other. Not at each other, but to each other. That is why a great friendship ensued. You could also say, running three or four a days could help put in anybody in perspective huh? LOL!!!!

Could you imagine, all of the friendships you have right now being as clear and concise as that conversation above. Being that open to receive what's being told to you and recognizing it's truth and accepting it. Not only accepting it but doing something about whatever is being told to you; and not because you were told to but because you knew it was flawed, got called on it and you were woman/man enough not to justify it, but take it in. Realizing ("My Bad"). If we all could do the characteristics above, how amazing would that be? Boy, I could only dream.



Until... said…
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