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True Love...

Hey everyone:

It's been a minute since I've been around but I wanted to share a little something with you. Since you've been on my blog, you've been around enough to know that I'm a writer. You know that I'm not just a writer. It's who I am. I feel as though I can write anything, if I get the chance to glance at it and/or learn a little bit about it. So with that said, you should know that I write poetry, articles, short stories, essays and more.

But in regard to the more, is what I will start to unveil. I've been a song-writer since the age of fourteen as well as a lyricist but neither were my dreams to pursuit, just the writing part of it. I've dabbled with them two on and off for years. I even have a few songs out on contracts in case they are ever used, and as far as being lyricist, I even have a whole ablum, that I never put out. However I'm still in love with my lyrics and they are still relevant today. Today, I just felt like sharing one of my songs.

The premise for this song: I had been broken hearted and had a conversation with the stranger about love, and there you have it. *Please note that all things published on this blog and others have been copyrighted.  Enjoy and have a great day!

True Love

1st Verse
This guy told me he was in love
  and he felt so good inside
I was happy for him, I really was
  but then I started to cry
He asked if there was something wrong
  I said no
He asked if I used to be in love
 I replied a long-time ago


It's gone, it's gone, it doesn't exist
No one believes in love
It's gone, it's gone, it doesn't exist
almost like there never was love

2nd Verse
I told the guy that I used to have fun
   being in love
I told him that I thought the guy was the one
  but, heart broken enough
He said don't worry, it will happen to you again
  you will find someone
I said that's ok, I'll keep my friends
 and remember I was in love once


It's gone, it's gone, it doesn't exist
No one believes in love
It's gone, it's gone, it doesn't exist
almost like there never was love

Repeat chorus 2x

True love, true love, true love
ad libs
fade out

*I created and wrote this song based on my own melody.


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