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Until Speaks: Harbor College Gym October 2014

I received an opportunity to speak to sixteen beautiful unique young women ranging from the ages of 18 through 23 in the Harbor College Basketball Gym after their game. This took place on October 30th of 2014 at 8pm. When I was first introduced, I realized right before I went up to speak, I was heavily nervous, however when I heard my name, I easily became comfortable. 

I couldn't believe it because way before getting ready to arrive, I was contemplating back and forth, praying to God every five minutes asking him to send me some words, asking him to give me the right words to speak and that he allow me to have a positive influence with great impact; and as sure as I stood up in front of 
those fresh new faces, I was good to go. 

I thanked them for having me, and told them my name. After my name I began with "with that being said, I'm not here to try and impress you. I'm not here to try and razzle, dazzle my words for you. I'm also not here to show off material things because they mean nothing. I'm just here to tell my story, and give you a few bullet points from the story I will share, for you to take with you with hopes you learn how to build a cushioning foundation. You are all young and have the world ahead of you and you need to know that the decisions you make right now, can and will affect your future." From there, I told my story and then added the following notes you'll find listed below:

Until Speaks:

A woman of your own (not house, job, clothes, jewelry) but,
            Own belief, faith and trust in God and yourself
            Own love and great character, spirit, soul and more
            Own determination, will and drive
            Own person, vision (dreams and goals)

What happens when you fall? (not to wallow in your pain, but developing a new plan)
            How to live abase and abound
            The beginning process to beginning again
            Not letting your mistakes define you, forgive yourself
            It’s now how you fall it’s how you get up, recover

Some things to take with you:
          Never compromise yourself for someone who will never compromise themselves for you
          Never make someone a priority who always and constantly make you an option
          Nobody is going to fight harder for you than you (with the exception of certain people God has  placed in your life to be apart of getting you where you need to be)
         Always give back, to God first, yourself /family and the community.

*At the end of my speech I gave them all a Black Swan Publishing Packet which included my book "I Just Want to Write" and I must say those young ladies were wonderful. I only hope I'm around to see what they are going to do in the future. It was truly amazing to know that they liked my speech, could relate and became inspired; from their lips to my ears left me feeling great about the experiences I've had because my speech could potentially help them not step where I've stepped. Inspire them to maneuver very differently than what they were at first thinking.

Many thanks to Monique Gloster of Queens of Empowerment and her whole team. The beautiful young ladies I spoke to. Black Swan Publishing for the packets and last but not at all least the beautiful young ladies.

Author: Until...

Queens of Empowerment Mentoring Program:


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