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Care for the Caregivers ... Please.

Anyone who has ever had an account with Shoe Fab then you've received a new magazine called "RedBook Magazine." It's pretty good, seems to improve with each issue. Today I came across this article that just tugged at my heart strings; not only because it hit so close to home but also that the article reiterated to me that many others are either going through or have gone through the same thing--Care-giving.

The article was called "It's Time to Care for the Caregivers" by Meghan Daum which was about this incredible woman named Debbie Sanford, married to Brandon (a sergeant) and she described their life as basically like newlyweds everyday; until one day Brandon was injured in three separate bombing incidents which in result left him with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Debbie explains that Brandon has the cognitive ability of a ten (10) year old and impaired short-term memory and relies on reminder boards designed for children. Talk about picking the right one. Now, because of all of this she has devoted her whole time taken care of him completely and they have a son too, and no, she is not the only one, there are many other wives encountering and doing the same thing.

So, RedBook Magazine has teamed up with an organization called Operation Gratitude to send a thousand (1,000) luxe care packages to an amazing under-appreciated group of women; the caregiver of soldiers who have returned from war with traumatic injuries.

The care packages include donations from some of the following:

Old Navy, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, The Pampered Chef, Bath & Body Works and more. As well as from  who will provide beautiful, uplifting  personal messages of support written by us! Yay!! Don't you love it? People chipping in where they can. I love it.

If you're interested in just writing an encouraging  message and/or would like to donate please visit Redbook Magazine's website at I've personally sent a note and donated what I could. No matter what, at least try to give what you can and the reason I say that is because people need help and it takes nothing to write a note or give what you can... When we find that we are blessed it's only right to help. I'll leave you with this:

"I believe if we don't replenish the givers, soon they'll be too empty give anymore and all who will ever be in need won't be able to receive." Until...

So, like RedBook Magazine said "It's Time to Care of the Caregivers". Also for those that have just an idea as what a caregiver does but don't actually know what it could all entail? I leave you with a book  called the "The Lighter Side of Caregiving" by Yolanda Wright Bozant.  Look it up, you'd be surprised  at what you learn (for those of you that take life for granted everyday and have no clue).



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