It's been a while since I've written. I'm happy to be back because I've truly missed you all! I remember the last time I wrote was last year and those two last posts were about me going through a series of events that were indeed heavy, on my heart, body, soul, spirit and yes, my mind.
I most definitely needed to stop, breathe, stand still and wait until I was delivered out of what I was going through. So, that meant I had to become a ghost, though that never completely happened however I still minimized all of the things that I was doing and somewhat retreated from the world. I am happy to report that things are MUCH better now.
To be honest I'm still going through some things and I don't mind, that will happen, besides, that's life, right? Are we ever not gonna go through anything? But back then what I was encountering just seemed like an attack on me, my life so at first I looked to escape, as well as for things to help me escape. But often times seeking happiness else where is just a bandage, it's only a temporary fix that can often create more problems added to the ones you already have. You know? But things have changed since then, my storm has calmed and things have evolved tremendously in an AMAZING WAY! I can't tell you how happy I am, how excited I am and moreover how full filled I am. I'm back, even more blessed and less stressed than before.
I'll tell you one thing, I've truly learned that it indeed is not in my DNA to give up. However it is in my DNA to strategize, regroup, reinvent and learn how roll with the punches and to bust back through the doors to reclaim my position as a soldier. I have also learned that sometimes disaster must strike in order for things to be put back in it's rightful place. Go figure! LOL! What a since of humor God has! Huh? Anyway, I want to take the time to thank you all for all of your prayers, words of encouragement and your time you've given me to read. It all means so much to me and you need to know I greatly appreciate it.
Last but not at all least I want to welcome the few new members on my blog. Yay!!! Thank you for joining me, Michelle Williams, Aleta L. Williams, California Crusaders Newspaper. I hope you find enjoyment in what I write. I would also like to say thank you to the one's who were already members, Natalie, Charles and Shades of Retribution. Thank you, Thank you and thank you!!! :)
Look for new upcoming posts from me very soon and I look forward to catching up and reading your blog posts as well. Please continue to read and provide me with your comments and if you want to know what I've been up to lately, please check out my latest update on my website at Ok, until my eagerly waiting fingers awaits to touch the keys, I'll be writing. See ya soon!