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Nothing to Something

"People surprise you. You think they gone be a nothing and they turn out to be a something"

--Curtis Jackson's Grandfather

I was watching the "Behind the Music" of Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson and I caught the above quote from 50 Cents grandfather and I gotta' say that, I like it! The reason I like that quote is because people are so quick to judge a person by their trials and tribulations, when in truth, you must go through something to have a story to tell. You must go through levels of pain in order to appreciate the joy. If you are not blessed with situations to go through and everything comes to you quite easily, how would you know to respect the struggle? Or be grateful for the struggle because it should have made you a better person (humble, responsible and quietly powerful), furthermore, why would anyone see you as GREAT?

Because in essence you would have done nothing to earn it, nothing, for anyone to follow, respect or look up to you for. GOD says "Let us make man in our own image" GENESIS 1:26, which means if you look at his life's journey, we are in so many ways like him. Hints some of these following quotes: "GOD doesn't give you anymore than you can bear" or "What doesn't kill you. Only makes you stronger" and last but not at all least one of my favorites, "GOD will never take you to what he wouldn't take you through". So with all of that said, know that GOD's favorite always have a hard time. :)

Which brings me back to the above quote "People surprise you. You think they gone be a nothing and they turn out to be a something".

Don't be so quick to judge a person by the way their life looks, just say a prayer and watch GOD do his work. Because truth be told; when GOD has a plan for you, trust and believe you will be VICTORIOUS and the one left standing because he wanted it that way and the funny thing about it is, THERE IS NOTHING THAT ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT IT; accept for, watch you. . . RISE TO THE TOP. LOL!!!

I love that!!!



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