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Music Edition #2

I have to be honest, when I'm down, RAP MUSIC cheers me up. It inspires me, enlightens me and reiterates to me what I already know. It lets me know that the rules that I set for myself that I try and live by everyday, there are others out there trying to do the same. Then I'm reminded that I am not alone when I sometimes feel I've become stuck, when I see that the speed bumps have become a lil' higher than usual, it's cool, I will cross over them regardless.

But I have noticed that RAP MUSIC is thee ONLY music that does this for me. Don't get me wrong, I am very varied in my taste of tunes, however RAP is one of my FAVORITES. It is thee ONLY music that can say to me in so many words:


Wow!!! I guess you can say that is the testosterone in me (because in certain situations I feel like a dude sometimes. LOL!). I think it's because it is known that a real man perseveres (not saying that women don't) understand, I'm saying that men a lot of the time don't gripe, they just do, and that's sometimes what RAP MUSIC brings out in me.

For instance I was recently down in my spirit (and I know what some of you are thinking, why not play gospel music? But that is for another blog post for another time. LOL!) anyway, I was cleaning and listening to Pandora and all of a sudden I heard a song that I hadn't heard in a long time, that I completely forgot about. I used to play it everyday all day for at least two months. (Because I'm a repeat Queen. LWM!) That song is called "Mr. 17.5 by Young Jezzy" on his album called "The Inspiration."

Woo!!! I immediately felt better, I started to see through my situation and by the time the song was done, I was done; weeping, no longer feeling sad. I remembered who I was and who I am and easily like I never fell off, got back on my grind. Amazing. Since that day I've been banging that song once again because it has been once again, a great INSPIRATION for me to realign my steps to start again.

Now, I don't want you to mistake this, this is not a replacement for prayer but I believe whether you believe it or not God has a way of giving you extra; and I do most definitely appreciate it. He knows me so well, I've learned that I (ME) can never wallow IN my sadness for too long, (even though I may want to) I can't because it's just not IN ME to do so. However, It is said that God knew us before we were born in the belly so I know, he knew that I needed a Lil' more to tackle the problems embedded in my life and when there is a song that can uplift my spirit I can REALLY get through my pain, sorrow and the burdens I was born to bear; and I thank HIM for that.

It's funny what you can learn about yourself when spending time with yourself, listening to your favorite song or type of music and become relaxed in your thinking. And when I'm listening to music, the process varies, sometimes it may not be the lyrics that I can relate to, just the music behind it all. Other times it is the lyrics that put me in perspective or the overall of how the song was put together. Like for Mr. 17.5, it takes me away to a place in my thoughts, and a place in my mind of how I want to see my reality, what I need to do to do so and then it puts me in a positive but emotional place that will signify to me that the negative vibes and jealousies of others don't matter.

The only thing that matters to me is that I continue to treat people the way that I want to be treated, stay focused on my goals and dreams, remember to be a Lil selfish to ensure that I don't give my whole self away to others and be stuck with nothing. It also makes me feel justified in the decisions I've made in reflection of cutting certain people out of my life who caused me harm or I saw way beyond what they could cost me if I continued to allow them their insertion in my life.

So, with all of that said, thanks "Young Jezzy" for providing that song "Mr. 17.5" for it truly provides an INSPIRATIONAL feel for me and a positive move forward. I hope all who is reading can find inspiration in a song to keep you going and to remember not to let NO ONE STOP YOU. Because truth be told... I DARE NOT LET ANYONE STOP ME, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY DESPISE IT.

One of my favorite quotes in that song:

New shoes on the Range Rover. I'm good with mine.
Mother &%^$#@'s act like I ain't supposed to shine.
~Young Jezzy



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