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Showing posts from November, 2011

Wow!!! Amazingly I'm back! LOL!

It's been a while since I've written. I'm happy to be back because I've truly missed you all! I remember the last time I wrote was last year and those two last posts were about me going through a series of events that were indeed heavy, on my heart, body, soul, spirit and yes, my mind. I most definitely needed to stop, breathe, stand still and wait until I was delivered out of what I was going through. So, that meant I had to become a ghost, though that never completely happened however I still minimized all of the things that I was doing and somewhat retreated from the world. I am happy to report that things are MUCH better now. To be honest I'm still going through some things and I don't mind, that will happen, besides, that's life, right? Are we ever not gonna go through anything? But back then what I was encountering just seemed like an attack on me, my life so at first I looked to escape, as well as for things to help me escape. But often times seeking ...