I want to say somewhere around 2004 a lady by the name of Annette Moore who was my supervisor at the time, bought something for me. It was very special. The occasion was my birthday. Annette is the type of person that really shows an interest in whatever you are doing when she likes you and truly cares. That is how she is to me. Another thing about Annette, is when she recognizes a great worker, she acknowledges them, and she, acknowledged me often. The job that I had, didn't really pay me what I was worth at that time and she knew that, and without my knowledge she tried a few times to win me a significant raise, it just wasn't in her power to get me what she thought I should have. However, to make up for it, she paid attention to my likes, interest and hobbies and always provided me small gestures of happiness, which warmed my heart time and time again. To know that someone cared about me and appreciated me that way. With all of that said. What she bought me, was my secon...